Tournament Organizer

2 Months Out!

We’re 2 months out from the 2025 Vanguard GT! So it’s probably time to open up first round challenges.

Anyone interested in challenging another player for the first round just needs to post it someplace that both I and the other player can see it. You can find the list of registered players on the participants page.

For a little extra fun, I put the challenge on the table themed after the challenged player’s army, if available. Winners of first round challenge games receive either ‘Conqueror’ or ‘Defender’ medals as appropriate.

Current challenges can be found here.

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Lottery is done, rooms are all reserved

The lottery was on Saturday and since then I’ve contacted the first few people drawn for room reservations. At this point the rooms are all reserved and the tournament is full.

So now folks can proceed with sorting out their accommodations and paying registrations fees when they are ready. The registration fee for the tournament is $50 this year. Camping on site is available for $10 per person. You can also stay in one of the guest rooms for an additional $10, assuming you can talk the reservation holder into it ;). I can also recommend hotels in the area.

You can send payment via paypal to

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