Game Results and Bonus Objectives
Game Results and Bonus Objectives Read More »
The 2023 Vanguard GT is now just one month away! That means it’s time for folks to start issuing first round challenges! I’m a big fan of challenges, it’s a fun part of tournament culture (so long as you aren’t “challenging down”) and a great way to make sure you get a game in with a particular opponent that you haven’t gotten to play before or have an ongoing friendly rivalry with.
I like to encourage challenges by adding a little extra spice. The tables at VGT are all themed after a particular army/place in Pannithor. So, when one player challenges another, I like to put their game on the table themed after the challenged player’s army (assuming I have one and it’s available) for a little bit of thematic home field advantage. At the end of the first round, I present medals to all the challenge winners labelled either ‘Conqueror’ or ‘Defender’ depending on whether they were the challenger or the challengee.
Challenges can be issued in our Facebook Event or the Mid-Atlantic Facebook Group, please just make sure to tag me so I see it. The list of standing challenges and available tables can be found here.
One month out, time for first round challenges! Read More »
We’re happy to announce that Troll Hoard Games will be sponsoring the 2023 Vanguard GT! Their online store is fantastic and they are great supporters of the Kings of War community. You should go check them out!