Tournament Organizer

Time to start prepping…

Vanguard GT is the next Mid-Atlantic GT, and the last one for this season. So it’s time for me to start getting everything in order and letting everyone know what’s going to be happening this year. Keep your eyes open for updates here on the tournament site, on the Facebook Event for this year, on our tournament Facebook Page, or my YouTube Channel.

So let’s start with COVID protocols for the year. The case numbers are currently very low, so at this time we are just asking for everyone to be up to date on vaccinations according to the recommendations from their health care provider. If the numbers stay low, that’s likely to be all we ask. Of course, everyone should also pay attention to potential exposures and symptoms, and exercise good judgment to help keep everyone healthy.

Coming up over the next few weeks leading up to the event, I’m going to have updates on … pretty much everything you need to know. I like for everyone to be well informed and prepared. It just makes the weekend go smoother.

Time to start prepping… Read More »

The Cornwell Cup

As has quickly become a popular tradition at Mid-Atlantic tournaments, the Cornwell Cup will be up for grabs at the 2023 Vanguard GT. The Cornwell Cup will go to the Mid-Atlantic club of 3 or more participants with the highest average combined Battle, Appearance, and Sportsmanship points of their top 3 finishing participants. I’m happy to announce that we currently have 7 Mid-Atlantic clubs represented with enough members to qualify for the cup, so the competition should be fierce!

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