Tournament Organizer

Registration Opens in One Week

Pre-registration for the 2023 Vanguard GT opens one week from today, on January 2nd at noon! The pre-registration cost this year is $50, which includes both the event, lunch on Saturday and Sunday, and dinner on Sunday night. To register, send your name, intended army, and club affiliation (if any) to Payments can be made via paypal to the same address. You can also reserve on-site accommodations when you register, if they are still available. Check out the registration page for more info.

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Rules update and Registration reminder

In previous years, I’ve said that we will use a specific set of rule books and the most recent Errata. In order to keep things simple, going forward we will be using the most updated version of the rules in the Kings of War Companion and the armies available in the Kings of War List Builder. Based on what seems to be the general consensus, Allies will not be allowed at the 2023 Vanguard GT, but we will be using the optional Withdraw rule.

Pre-registration opens at noon on January 2nd, 2023, which is less than a month away. Refer to the Registration page for more information.

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Announcing the 2023 Vanguard GT!

I’ve finally gotten around to looking at a calendar! So I can now announce that the 2023 Vanguard GT will be April 28-30, 2023!

Pre-registration and room reservations will open at noon on January 2nd, 2023. The site has been updated, except for some of the specifics on the Rules page. We will definitely be using the Big Red Book, and I plan to use whatever optional rules the US Masters will be using.

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