Updated COVID Precaution Info
We’re taking COVID precautions very seriously. I’d like to thank everyone that has sent in their vaccination information so far.
We’ve been monitoring all the available data and waiting until we were close to the event to see what our final decision on precautions would be.
Since we live at the venue, and due to the size and very social format of the event, we can’t really do social distancing or masking.
The numbers were trending down earlier in the month, but unfortunately they have turned the wrong direction.
I’d had a rough metric of wanting the 7 day average for new cases in Virginia to be below 1k, and we’re now back over that and rising. So what does that mean?
In addition to vaccination, we’re also going to be testing to be as certain as possible that we’re all safe. You’ve got a couple of options.
You can get tested on your own within 48 hours of arriving, and bring the test results. We have also obtained enough tests for everyone. So if it isn’t
convenient for you to get tested, we will test you when you first arrive at the venue. They are the standard swab tests, they only take a few minutes to administer,
and they take about 30 minutes for results. During that time we’ll have a little quarantine area setup with refreshments, or you can wander around the outside of the
property, or just chill in your car, get in the pool, pretty much anything except coming into the venue until the test results are done.
If you are planning on arriving for the first time on Saturday morning, please try to allow enough time for testing before opening announcements at 10.
Thanks for your cooperation.
UPDATE: A couple of folks have asked about doing their own tests at home before coming. Those are fine. Just administer the test less than 48 hours before you arrive and take something like a proof of life photo of yourself and the test result to show us when you get here.
Now back to the fun stuff! Lists are due tomorrow! It’s also the last day to issue first round challenges!
We should have a first round pairing livestream next week, tentatively scheduled for Monday evening. That will be on my YouTube channel.
You should get an email with your tabletopscore.com login info after that, Wednesday at the latest.
And then we’ll see everyone on Friday/Saturday for the event!
Updated COVID Precaution Info Read More »