Tournament Organizer

Lottery Livestream

Registration is now open, and we’re going to be doing a lottery drawing at 2:00 PM on Saturday to see who gets the spots. You can watch the drawing on either YouTube or Facebook.

If you haven’t registered yet, please send your name, club (if any), and intended army via email to before Saturday. Registrations received after the lottery will be added to the end of the wait list.

Lottery Livestream Read More »

Registration is now open!

We are now accepting registrations for the 2025 Vanguard GT! To register, send your name, intended army, and club affiliation (if any) to the Tournament Organizer. As a reminder, we have 36 spots this year. All registrations are currently being held until Saturday the 11th so please do not send payment until then.

On Saturday, if we have have more than 36 registrations, we will draw names randomly and register them in the order they are drawn. Any remaining names will go on the waitlist in the order they are drawn. If we only have 36, then we will register them in the order they were received. Rooms at the venue will also be offered to registrants in the order they are registered, either drawn order or the order they were received, depending on how things go on Saturday.

Until Saturday, the Participants page will list registrants in the order they were received but those registrations are still on hold (except for Allen, he won last year so he’s actually registered first).

Registration is now open! Read More »

36 spots, registration opens January 6th

For 2025, we’re going to expand the event from 32 up to 36 participants. It might be a little tight to walk around, but everyone should have plenty of space to play.

Registration opens Monday, January 6th. This year, in order to avoid the need to rush to register in the first minute, we’re going to hold all the registrations until Saturday, January 11th. On the 11th, assuming we’re gotten more than 36 registrations, we’re going to draw all the spots at random (except the first one, which goes to last year’s winner automatically). So just make sure to send in your registration to at some point during the week and then wait for the results of the draw. Please hold all payments until after the draw.

We are also going to allow people to book rooms in the house in the order they are randomly drawn. So after the draw I’ll start getting in touch with people in order until all the rooms are booked.

36 spots, registration opens January 6th Read More »