5 1/2 Weeks!
We’re less than 6 weeks from the 2022 Vanguard GT, and it’s time to start getting everything in order!
First up, we do accept first round challenges! You can challenge people on our Facebook page or event, or in one of the Kings of War groups (and just make sure to tag me there so I see it). As usual, we will try to put you on a table themed after the challenged army, and will be giving out Conqueror/Defender medals to challenge winners at the end of the first round. The list of current challenges can be found here – https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1m-v0gBWnroiwTTzvv1YEO4W9CRwYq0fFuizWVOWOBqw/edit#gid=842012153
Next, as part of our COVID precautions, we do require that all attendees be fully vaccinated and boosted according to current recommendations. You can provide proof of vaccination in advance by emailing a photo of your vaccine card to the TO, or by sending links to or screenshots of online records, or by showing your info in person when you arrive.