Tournament Organizer

Cancelled for 2020. We’ll see you in 2021!

  • I’ve put this off as long as I can. It’s just not possible to deliver what makes this event unique; the intimacy of the venue, the convenience of onsite meals, the social atmosphere, etc., and still keep everyone safe under the current conditions. So I’m sad to say that the 2020 Vanguard GT is cancelled.

    I’d like to thank everyone who registered. The level of interest was very exciting and it would have been great to have so many players from so many different areas. I’m going to start issuing full refunds for both registration and rooms this week. If it gets to be the middle of next week and you haven’t seen yours yet, please contact me at

    I’d also like to thank all our sponsors. I’ll be getting in touch with them about rolling their sponsorships over to next year.

    Speaking of next year, while this might be all for this year it is definitely not the end of the road. We will be back in 2021, once again in our usual late April slot. Specific dates will be announced before pre-registration opens in late November.

    Thanks again, everyone, for your interest in the event, and we’ll see you all in 2021!

Cancelled for 2020. We’ll see you in 2021! Read More »

Postponed until June 26-28

Ok, folks. It’s just going to be too risky to try to hold this event in late April. I suspect that Virginia will still not be allowing private events of more than 10 people by then. But, rather than cancel, I’m just going to push the event back a couple of months and reassess when we get closer. The new dates will be June 26-28. It’s the weekend that was previously reserved for Mountaineer, which will not be happening this year. Our hope is that by moving to a date that a lot of you already had reserved for a GT, most folks will still be able to attend.

I’d like to thank Chris Fisher for offering to let me push back to the date he’d reserved for Mountaineer. Mountaineer is a great event, and I look forward to it every year. I’m definitely going to look forward to it in 2021.

Let’s keep our fingers crossed that this thing will be under control by June. In the meantime, all room reservations and event registrations will carry forward to the new date. If anyone needs to cancel, please just let me know and I’ll happily issue a refund. If you are interested in attending, just let me know and I’ll put you on the wait list.

Postponed until June 26-28 Read More »