Tournament Organizer

We’re now full

Wow, this is shaping up to be a really exciting year! We now have 30 people registered and paid, and that’s all the space I’m going to be able to make. If you are interested in attending, but weren’t lucky enough to register in time, send an email to and ask to be put on the wait list. In the event that someone has to drop, I’ll go through the wait list in order until we’re full again. Also, if you know you’re going to have to drop, please let me know ASAP so I can make the space available.

We’re now full Read More »

Only 1 spot left and a new sponsor!

Due to increased interest, I’ve decided to bump the player cap up to 30, and we’ve already got 29 registered! I’m pretty sure this will be the last bump I do, so anyone interested in attending should register for that last spot ASAP. After that, I’ll start running a wait list for interested folks, and reach out to them in order if there are any drops.

I’m happy to announce that PWork Wargames will be sponsoring the 2020 Vanguard GT and providing player’s pack swag! If you are looking for a really sharp and detailed mat, you should definitely check them out.

Only 1 spot left and a new sponsor! Read More »