Tournament Organizer

Less than 2 months!

We are less than 2 months away from the 2024 Vanguard GT! I’ve got 2 things to remind everyone of today. First, if you’ve registered but haven’t paid yet, please send your payment in as soon as you can. You can see if I’ve received your payment or not on the Participants page. Second, we’ve got 3 first round challenges so far, but I’m sure there are more lurking out there. So post your challenges somewhere both I and your intended can see them.

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Let’s talk about First Round Challenges

Now that we know who all the players are, we can start talking about First Round Challenges.

For folks who haven’t been to Vanguard GT before, I like to add a little extra incentive for Challenges. First, the tables are all themed after armies and places in Pannithor. So, when you are challenged I like to put that game on the table that matches your army (if there is one and it’s available) for little bit of narrative home field advantage. Second, I print medals for challenge winners, proclaiming you either a Conqueror or Defender, depending on which side of the challenge you were on.

To issue a challenge, just post it some place that both I and the challenged player can see it. Our Facebook Event is a good option, as is the Mid-Atlantic Regional Facebook Group. The list of this year’s tables and current challenges can be found here.

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Lottery Results

Here are the results of the random drawing for the last 16 spots! The Participants page has been updated accordingly. I’ll email everyone later today to make sure they know their current status. If you weren’t drawn, you are still on the wait list in the order that you registered. If you’re one of the first 3 or 4 people on the wait list, I’d make sure to keep the weekend open. I think last year I went through about 5 folks on the wait list, so you’ve still got a good chance.

      1. Mike Szedlmayer
      2. Rob Kendzie
      3. Jake Ciarapica
      4. Jason Britt
      5. Ryan Hoffman
      6. Robert Brandon
      7. Joe Borgese
      8. Mark Zielinski
      9. Joey Greek
      10. Thomas Strother
      11. Brad Park
      12. Ray Shields
      13. Maxwell Kenny
      14. Mike Ireland
      15. Ray Weiandt
      16. Gabe Toth

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