Tournament Organizer

Aaaand we’re full.

So I think I have responded to everyone at this point. If you already sent in a registration but haven’t heard back from me, please ping me again.

I received 22 registrations right at noon, and by 12:05 I had 32. The first year I ran this event, I had to scrape to get a full 20 players. I’m blown away by the community’s growth and interest in this event. Now it’s on us to deliver the level of event that you have come to expect.

You can check out the current state of things on the Participants page. The wait list is currently at 21 people.

So what happens now? On Friday I’m going to do a random drawing from the wait list for the last 16 spots. Anyone who registers between now and then will be eligible. Anyone not drawn, or who registered after the drawing, will stay on the wait list in case more spots open up.

Aaaand we’re full. Read More »