Livestream tonight and weather update

Tonight, we are livestreaming the first round pairings announcement! Tune it at 8:30 PM to see who’s playing who, what the terrain looks like, and what the scenario will be for the first round on Saturday. Or… tune in at any point after that, since it’s on YouTube and all.

The weather for this weekend is looking a bit damp. Temperatures should be nice and comfy between 70 and 50, but there is a high chance for rain on Friday, and a lower chance but still a possibility for Saturday and Sunday as well. That could be a problem for folks planning on camping. We’ll put up a dining fly in the camping area so there’s at least a dry place near by. There are still spots in the house if the rain is too much to deal with. You can try to talk someone renting a room into letting you crash on their floor, or you can grab some floor space in some less private spots in the house. Hopefully the rain will be light and it won’t be a problem.

Livestream tonight and weather update Read More »

All lists are in!

I’ve got all the lists for this year, so I’m going to go ahead and publish them so folks can check them out over the weekend when they have more time.
2023 Vanguard GT Lists

Coming up on Tuesday at 8:30 PM, we’re going to announce the first round scenario, terrain map, and pairings on YouTube. Tune in for polite list critique and totally non-biased predictions from a panel of experts.

Who am I kidding? Tune in for some shit talking and hype.

All lists are in! Read More »