New Sponsor!

I’m happy to announce that PWork Wargames will be sponsoring the 2019 Vanguard GT! They make some of the coolest looking mats around, and they even provide their patterns in a variety of materials. We use a couple of their mats on tables at the tournament. If you haven’t checked them out before, I highly recommend them.

PWork Wargames

New Sponsor!

Room Availability Update

A little less than 24 hours into pre-registration, and we are down to one room left.  If you are planning on coming and wanted to reserve a room at the venue, I highly encourage you to reach out asap.

If not, there’s still plenty of camping space available and hotels nearby.  You might also be able to talk a friend with a room into letting you crash on their floor. ๐Ÿ˜‰

Room Availability Update