Chess Clock Sponsors!

I’m happy to announce that Your Hobby Place will be providing chess clocks for the 2018 Vanguard GT!  They have locations both here in Fredericksburg and in Martinsburg, West Virginia.  Not only do they keep a nice selection of Kings of War products, they are also huge supporters of the community.


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Grudge Matches!

Ok, we are now 1 month out. It’s time to start talking about grudge matches.
Anyone can challenge another player, and if they accept then their first round match will be against each other instead of a random pairing.
Since we’ve got tables themed after places in Mantica, and also themed for armies, the challenged player gets to pick which table they are fighting over. Do you want to take the fight to them, or defend your home turf?
I’ll print up some certificates to present to the winners of the judge matches, declaring them Lord of that part of Mantica until the next year.
We already have one match set, Chris Fisher’s Baslieans against Scott Flower’s Abyssals at the Edge of the Abyss.
The other available tables are:
The City of the Golden Horn (Basileans)
Skirnirak Frontier Town (Varangar)
Ophidia (Undead)
The Cracked Lands (umm.. Nightstalkers? *shrug*)
The Mammoth Steppe (Ogres)
The Forsaken Isles (Goblins)
Abercarr (Dwarfs)
Ardovikian Plain (Orcs)
Khe-Luxarn (Empire of Dust)
The Winterlands (Elves)
City of Eowolf (Brotherhood)
Valentica (Kingdoms of Men)

Head on over to our Facebook Event to jump in on the action.

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